Lavatory Project

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Lavatory Project

In East Africa the need for lavatories is very apparent. We have seen schools with over 500 children sharing just two lavatories. Having to wait in long queues inevitably leads to education being compromised. We live in a world of convenience where the next travel stop will always have decent arrangements for relief. In East Africa it is either a queue for a lavatory or a bush, even at school, market areas or other places where we expect facilities to be sufficient. Lavatories are built in blocks of two with a lifespan of approximately 15-20 years. The foundation and walls are made of concrete and plaster, and the roof is of tin sheets. The hygiene tank which serves both lavatories is non-reversible which lasts for 15-20 years. The tank is designed to eliminate odours utilising chemicals and maskers which neutralise foul odours. The non-reversible entry system aids hygiene by preventing incidents or accidents.